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We provide a comprehensive support which includes medical treatment, psychological counseling therapy and group training lessons for children. 

Evaluation Mechanism

For the first visitors, a psychiatrist will take a comprehensive assessment of various aspects and transfer the patients to a suitable psychologist. The comprehensive assessment elaborates a complete, diverse and personal treatment plan for each patient.

Psychological Counseling and Medicines

Focusing on insomnia, Dementia, relationship problems, and emotional disturbance, we use medicine and psychological counseling to provide an adequate therapy for our patients 

Group Therapy 

Focusing on children and adolescent’s emotions, interpersonal relations and attention disturbance, we provide individual psychological counseling or group training lessons. 

Our services

Better help clinic consists of Dr. Yeh from Taipei Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and various senior psychologist, with comprehensive support of medical treatment, psychological counseling therapy
and group training lessons for children.

Through the evaluation, we provide psychological and medical treatment to reduce the influence that depression has brought to your daily life and improve the quality of your condition. 

If you are disturbed by feeling hard to fall asleep, having dreamful sleep or bad sleeping quality, we will first attempt to understand your physiological or psychological issue and provide medical treatment or sleeping training lessons.

Dysautonomia can cause around ten common symptoms, however, the types of dysautonomia and severity vary from person to person. If it is neglect, it may seriously affect a person’s daily life. 

Depending on your issue, we will provide both medical treatment and psychological counseling to give our patients a thorough and adequate psychological support. 

Group therapy can help children to learn emotional adjustment and interpersonal skills. By observing an interaction between parent and children, we will discover children’s characteristics and suggest parenting style/give suggestions about how to interact with their children.

Academics are most adolescents’ concern and source of their pressure. In Better help clinic, we provide lessons for parents and children with a psychologist to suggest them how to deal with their issues.



​Better help clinic

In order to provide the most effective and suitable prophylaxis, treatment and rehabilitation for our patients with their own personal mental problem, our clinic has a good cooperation between psychiatrist and psychologists. For the first visitors, the psychiatrist will take a comprehensive assessment of various aspects and transfer the patients to a suitable psychologist. The comprehensive assessment elaborates a complete, diverse and personal treatment plan for each patient. The team approach in this way can give our patients a thorough mental and psychosocial evaluation and adequate psychological support. 

Open Hours

  • General clinic: can be self-pay or with national health insurance

  • Psychologist clinic are all self-pay and pre-reservation are required 

  • For the charges and fees, please go to fees description 

  • Please make the reservation online or over the phone first as the first visitor usually take longer time

  • If you drop in as a first visitor, your appointment and waiting time will not be guaranteed

  • The reservation that is half an hour before closing time will not be accepted


Fees description

Medical help (National health insurance)

  • First visit- evaluation meeting with a Psychiatrist,  NT600

  • Follow up appointments with a Psychiatrist,  NT 400

Medical help (Self-pay without National health insurance) 

  • First visit- evaluation meeting with a Psychiatrist,   NT3500

  • Follow up appointments with a Psychiatrist ,   NT 3000  

Psychological counseling (Self-pay)

  • First visit- evaluation meeting with a Psychologist, 50mins NT3500-4000

  • Follow up appointments with a Psychologist, 50 mins NT 3000-3500

CLINIC information


BetterHelp Clinic (Taipei Century)

TEL  02-27718821

Address  6F., No. 153, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd.,  Da’an Dist., Taipei City (near to MRT Zhongxiao Dunhua exit 7)

BetterHelp Clinic (Taipei Zhongxiao)

TEL  02-27718813

Address  2F., No. 13, Aly. 7, Ln. 205, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City (near to MRT Zhongxiao Dunhua exit 2)

BetterHelp Clinic (Taipei Guting)
TEL  02-23676883

Address  5F.-1, No. 206, Sec. 2, Nanchang Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City (near to MRT Guting exit 2)



大心診所 (台北東區百年)

聯絡專線  02-27718821

診所地址  台北市大安區忠孝東路四段 153 號 6 樓 

(捷運忠孝敦化 7 號出口,出來即可上百年大樓)

大心診所 (台北東區忠孝)

聯絡專線  02-27718813

診所地址  台北市大安區忠孝東路四段 205 巷 7 弄 13 號 2 樓 

(捷運忠孝敦化 2 號出口,走路 1 分鐘)

大心診所 (台北古亭公館) 
聯絡專線  02-23676883

診所地址  台北市中正區南昌路二段 206 號 5 樓之 1 

(古亭捷運站 2 號出口,走路 3 分鐘)


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